Rethinking my initial idea and thoughts

After talking to my tutor about my ideas, he gave me a good idea to look at the opposite of the idealised version of a zoo. Also to imagine myself as an author writing about the experiences at a zoo and comparing them to now and how I saw them as a child; this is instead of looking at taking the photographs like a PR would to advertise and sell a zoo

So now I will be looking at taking photographs of the negatives and the eerie aspects of a zoo to make my images more of a documentary style instead of an advertisement.

After thinking about it I am going to aim to photograph things like

  • Litter
  • Mud
  • Empty cages
  • The emptiness of a zoo
  • etc

To me this would make an interesting topic to write about in my summary.

Also I thought that’d I’d challenge myself by photographing on my iPhone X max and shoot in portrait mode.I did this because I wanted to use a material that I didn’t necessarily have when I was younger and that was accessible then and is now. I’m not sure if the idea will work as well however I feel the need to give it a go.

If the photography isn’t up to scratch I will redo my images.

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